Our delivery system is an advanced replacement feed system for lapping machines which can create substantial savings by maintaining greater control over the machining operation. It consists of dual metering pumps and a mixing chamber which, when used in conjunction with our abrasive concentrates, can generate the following benefits:
Metered control of flow rates creating greater cost efficiency by fully utilizing abrasive grains.
Maximized cutting rates and finishes with precise control of abrasive.
The use of abrasive slurries eliminates the need for operator mixing, allowing for a more consistent product.
System is fully automated, creating better time management for operator.
Enhances use of statistical process controls.
The delivery system functions by pumping an abrasive slurry and a diluent to a mixing chamber mounted above the lapping plate. In the mixing chamber the abrasive suspension is broken, allowing the abrasive and lubricants to be evenly applied to the table creating a more efficient lapping environment. This also enables the effluent solids to precipitate, aiding in diluent reclaim and waste disposal. Through the use of metering pumps, the ratio of slurry to diluent can be precisely monitored allowing only the abrasive needed to be delivered to the table, maximizing cycle times and creating a more consistent finish.
An added benefit of our delivery system is that it can help engineers create a more ecological plant environment. With the use of a settleation tank or filter press the diluent can be reclaimed resulting in less waste, and the use of our water based products will allow engineers to reduce the amount of in-house machining solvents.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding our products.
Particular Technology, Inc. 3270 Cashmore Road Waukegan, IL 60087 Phone: (847)625-1602 Fax: (847)625-1613